USKEES is a clothing brand we have recently selected to stock in our store. Our passions for craft and quality coincide so it was a no brainer and we are very excited to introduce you to them.
From sourcing through to design, USKEES create garments of high quality whilst considering the environmental impact every step of the way. 
Using organic materials to produce a range of long lasting, functional clothing is only the beginning for USKEES. They have a number of creative ways to minimise their concern for waste. Any cotton fabric left over is repurposed into the pieces that make up their tote bags and Zero Waste Collection.
A small touch we love is the free repair kit that comes with each of their garments, intended to take care of any small repairs to minimise the chance of the garments ending in landfill.
Our own Forge Denim brand and USKEES seem to share the same love for Corozo buttons (derived from the nut of the Tagua Palm) too! Not only are they naturally occurring and therefore sustainable, they are naturally a very beautiful and unique product. 


August 31, 2022 — Grace Mappin